Sunday, October 13, 2019

Seeking advice on next investment: holster or whole new platform?

Last night I saw a P238 on /r/gundeals for $350, so OTD would come out to about $410. I already have a Shield and a P320 carry that I switch between the x-carry and subcompact frames depending on what I'm wearing. Both are 9 mm. I carry both AIWB in the Alien Gear Shapeshift, and often the Shield in an Uncle Mike's pocket holster. I have noticed that when dressing formally or just tucking in a polo, I often resort to pocket carrying the shield because I can't effectively conceal AIWB. There is always a very obvious bulge on my belt-line. With an untucked shirt, this has not been a problem since it's below the shirt line. I've also noticed the belt clip is large enough that it draws attention, even on a black belt with black pants.I think the Shield is a little too large for a pocket gun, even with the flush magazine. The Uncle Mike's holster also doesn't go a great job of breaking up the outline. In some athletic shorts you can even see the magazine's floorplate clearly. For the past 8 months or so I've been considering a little pocket .380 like the LCP, LCPII, P238 or even the P938. I almost bought an LCP for $125 at a buddy's pawn shop, but was not able to make the 2 hour drive before it sold. I've been going back and forth ever since on whether I even want to buy a new gun in a new caliber.The main problems I need to solve is carrying a gun when dressing formally, and getting my girlfriend to stop carrying off body. I'm 6', ~240 lb, and I wouldn't say I'm athletic nor a couch potato. I run 3-4 times a week and walk my dog about 1.5 miles almost daily. You be the judge: my girlfriend is the heart, the Doc is a med student friend of ours, and I'm the clown. She also has a shield and pretty much exclusively carries in a pocket holster in her purse. I actually originally bought the Alien Gear Shift Shell for the shield for her to try AIWB but it's too thick even with an untucked shirt on her frame. The Shield is much too large for her to pocket carry and the majority of her clothes either don't have pockets or the gun is glaringly obvious in them.The other option I've come up with is a different AIWB holster as the Alien Gear Shapeshift AIWB is not exactly slim. I've considered:Tier 1 Axis Elite with Utili clips and wedges - $174 before tax and shipping (BTS)Tier 1 Xiphos with utiliclips and wedges - $91 BTSAlien Gear Belly Band - $38 BTS, which would just be nice to have because currently when I run i just carry pepper spray and a knife. I also have the stuff to make it work for either gun.Alien Gear Grip Tuck -$34 This one I'm only half considering because the lack of retention concerns me, and the clip is not tuckable. I'd have to use clips from other holsters, and I'm not sure how secure that would be on an already concerning design.I'm not really in love with pocket carry either as I prefer having my phone in a separate pocket from my keys, pens, leatherman, etc. but will consolidate when pocket carrying. My ears are open to any experiences y'all have with any of these products, carrying different calibers, advice, or just telling me I'm a long-winded dipshit and should sell it all to buy two Glock 19s, 43s, and Teir 1 Axis Elites. via /r/CCW

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