Friday, January 5, 2018

"The Dream"

I thought that I would share my first CCW dream in my year of daily carrying. I’ll do my best to describe it.I was in the dark on the way to my truck, which was under a light in the middle of nowhere (this is usual for me wouldn't want to get scratches). I get closer and see a man in black hanging out near my truck. As I approach he slowly turns and low and behold it’s, the leader of the First Order, Kylo Ren. I see this and start to back up. It then skipped forward a minute or two. I am now in a huge forest/bush/bramble patch? Lord of the Rings/Hobbit style with a lot of over growth making it really tight. Kylo is now swinging his light saber wildly chopping down vines and branches, I have my gun drawn and I’m ordering him to drop his saber. The next thing that runs through my mind is, if I fire he will simply use the force to stop the bullet(s). So, I continue to back up with gun drawn and trip over a root and wake myself up.I think it’s best if I lay off the SiFi/Fictional movies for a while.The thing that gets me though is that I didn’t try to fire… Not really sure what this means, but I heard that everyone is supposed to have “the dream” and I figured that I share it with you all. via /r/CCW

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