Saturday, January 27, 2018

Good reminder why I carry tonight.

So I had kind of a scary reminder why I choose to carry today. It started out with me arriving back at my apartment around 8:30 P.M. I had decided earlier in the day I was going to catch up on some laundry but I needed to add some money to my laundry card first. So I go downstairs to the machine in the common room. Keep in mind I’m in the zone and listening to my headphones. I live downtown so there’s never any shortage of creepy mofos wandering around so I had kinda taken note when I had seen this bigger guy aimlessly wandering around in the hallway. Well I’m adding money to the card when out of the corner of my eye I see this same guy wander in room directly to my left. He passes me and as he does pats me on the shoulder and says something I don’t quite catch because of my headphones. I ignore him and he moves on. Thinking back he definitely got a good look at my wallet as I was pulling cash out.Now here’s where it gets interesting, I go upstairs unlock and swing open my door and begin stepping into my apartment. Next thing I know this guy is right behind me. Like uncomfortably close. He’s leering around me and looking around into my apartment. The way this guy just appeared behind me took me off guard. I can only guess he had gotten off the elevator and just happened to slip behind me as I passed the alcove (My unit is right in front of the elevator). I turn to face him and he begins motioning to his wrist like he wants to know the time. So I stop in my doorway pull a headphone and tell him that it’s almost 9. He nods and continues to peer around me into my apartment. I back away from him into my apartment and shut the door. Still not too alarmed at this point I grab my stuff and head to the laundry room.As I walk down the hallway my spidey sense starts tingling and sure enough he’s behind me again following me down the hallway. So I pause my music and decide to keep an eye on him. I start my load and exit the laundry room and sure as shit there he is. Leaning up against the wall. I walk past him and as soon as I pass he starts in right behind me. At this point I’m concerned because he’s a good two feet taller than me and at least 50+ lbs heavier. Dressed like some wannabe gangster. I get to my apartment and begin to maneuver my way inside but he’s still right behind me so I turn to face him head on. He smiles and asks if it was my apartment and begins to look inside like he had done before. Its then that he asks the question that turns this little encounter from just a weird situation to one that had all my alarm bells ringing. He looks over me into my apartment and mutters “You all alone?” in this strange low voice.Now I’ve seen enough live leak to know that this is precisely the point where someone gets murdered to death so I close the door in his face and look out through the peephole. This guy has a stupid smirk on his face now and is just kind of loitering outside my door. I watch him for a good couple of minutes and it’s pretty obvious he isn’t leaving so I decide to grab my 12 gauge for a little extra peace of mind. Maybe a little preemptive I dunno. But I’m too damn young to get killed in some home invasion nonsense.Definitely not as crazy as some of the other stories here but he had me concerned. He might've just been some crazy weirdo but I rather err on the side of caution.Sure enough the second my hand reaches into my closet I hear a light knock on my door. My blood runs cold and all those stupid videos I’ve watched run through my head. I grab the shotty and walk to the door and look through the peephole. Sure enough this joker is standing off to the side right out of sight. So I muster the most intimidating voice I can and ask him what he wants and he replies “glass of water”. So in the moment I’m 100% positive this guy’s up to something fucky so I rack a shell into the chamber and say the most Clint Eastwood esque thing I’ve ever said “Go to your room”. Embarrassing, I'm don't even know what that means. I’m not sure why that’s what came out of my mouth but it’s what did. I wish I could tell you I told him “Sure, you can drink some water from the barrel of my 12 gauge” but I didn’t. Looks like I’m not the action hero I think I am. Either way, after I said that he smirked, rolled his eyes and walked off. I hung out in my apartment for a bit and when I was sure he was gone I went about my business. So in the end nothing really happened but it definitely made me feel better to have 19 rounds of 9mm stuffed down the front of my pants and a shotgun full of 00. via /r/CCW

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