Saturday, January 27, 2018

P365 and P320C at the range

Just got back from the range. About 150 rds through the P365 and 50 through the P320C. Here's the notes.Still love my P320. It's got about 1000 rounds through and have never had any failures of any kind. I shoot Winchester white box at the range.There is notably more felt recoil in the P365 than my P320C, but not bad. In fact, not as bad as my BG380 (which I did not bring with me). In short, I put 150 rounds through it and no hand ache, no desire to quit, enjoyed every shot.I had 3 incidents of the gun failing to return to battery. Two were while firing, therefore I guess technically failure to feed. The 3rd while racking after putting in a fresh mag. Occurred with both mags and two different ammo types (had to pick up some Remington UMC at the range to finish my fun).Here's the good news...I was totally abusing this gun. Meaning, the only prep out of the box was to remove some excess factory grease. I did not properly clean and lube the gun or mags before heading out. I'm actually very happy with the way it ran considering this. I fully expect reliability to improve. A little CLP in the mag and spring should help a bunch. Slide is running much smoother with CLP now as well.I am not a sharp shooter. But I've been plinking off and on most of my life with a focus on defensive pistol the last 18 months. I am very solid with my P320 at normal defensive ranges. I found the P365 with pinky mag to be just as reliable. I was pulling left a little more which isn't surprising given the different fit and me being a bit giddy about the new toy. Overall, I would say the gun shoots just as easily as the P320, just as accurately (in my hands), and the pinky mag is perfect for me. The no-pinky, non-extended mag is fine. If it makes the difference for a pocket carry or other use case, all good. But for me I expect to be holster on belt with extended mag and I'm very, very happy with how it shot in that config.For me, looking down the short barrel was not an issue. Again, the sights are the same 3-dot as my P320. Once I was dialed in and running through some rounds, everything looked the same to me as with my P320.It was a ton of fun to show off the new gun with the range staff. Everyone wanted a chance to check it out. It's been fun sharing with the r/ccw gang as well. Directly and indirectly I've got a ton out of reading around here, so I'm glad an amateur like me had a chance to return the favor. Bottom line, I fully expect the P365 to become my EDC over time and the P320C to primarily serve for range and wilderness duty. For my purposes, this really is the perfect, every day of the year gun. via /r/CCW

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