Friday, January 26, 2018

Say hello to my little friend (P365 unboxing) [x-posting with r/sigsauer]

Pics: the above URL works as intended. My first time using Imgur and posting pics to Reddit. Pics of the unboxing and first takedown including loaded weight and side-by-side with my BG380. Hope to get to the range this evening or tomorrow. If anything exciting, I'll be back with more notes. Or I'll just wait until I get a few 100 rounds through. Definitely curious to see how this fancy new mag feeds. But the first 3 rounds sit single stacked. The damn thing makes sense once you see it up close.Initial thoughts:Love the pinky friendly mag. The gun fits my hand perfectly with this mag. Unlike my BG380 where it doesn't change the fit for me at all. I am 5'8" with proportional appendages.So much similarity to P320 and yet not. Even for a casual operator like me, it's interesting to see the slides side by side and observe the similarities/differences.I could not figure out how to remove the FCU and the manual does not describe this procedure. The P320 manual does in the section on how to change grip modules. So clearly no intent at this time to have customers remove the FCU. What I can tell you is, unlike the P320, the P365 takedown lever pin does not come out the other side of the frame and I'm guessing there's a trick armorers will learn to get a tool down the side of the FCU to force the pin out. Pure conjecture here...Trigger on dry fire and cycling snap caps feels very, very close to my post-upgrade P320. Will be fun to compare at the range.Mag release button is very close to the grip. Almost flush. As opposed to P320 which is nicely raised. If you like to drill on reloads, you'll find it a little frustrating to drop the mag on this little guy. But no doubt this design choice improves conceal comfort and probably pocket draw efficiency.Putting the slide back on is an exercise in frustration until you figure it out (or RTFM). There's a little thumb dance between the slide catch and takedown levers required to get it back on.Very happy with weight and size. If I truly had to carry it tomorrow, I would be comfortable putting it in my Sticky holster and in my pocket. That said, the Sticky does not 100% cover the area inside the trigger guard, so I won't be doing it. I'll be keeping the BG380 around until this guy proves himself on the range. I also see the P365 as more of a lightweight holster gun than a pocket gun.Love the chamber peep hole on top. Yes the P320 has a gap on the chamber side I can use to confirm condition, but this notch on top is much more clear. via /r/CCW

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