Thursday, January 25, 2018

Situational Awareness is important

TLDR: Avoided getting mugged thanks to Situational Awareness and following good advice from this subWhat happened:The wife wanted to head to her favorite Tex Mex spot for dinner. They have pretty killer margaritas and it's been a long week, so we both decided to leave the firearms at home. We get to the restaurant, and there were a few people milling outside being a bit sketch. Not doing anything wrong, but not patrons of said restaurant - enough to send my slightly paranoid mind tingling. So I decide to hold off on any drinks, and the wife and I enjoy a nice meal.We settle up and head out to the parking lot. Just a couple patrons are outside, and I notice a fellow wearing a hoody and sweatpants headed towards the restaurant. Clean clothes, obviously not a vagrant but the hoody is up and it's not that cold out. Continue heading towards the car and notice that he's made a U turn and is now following us on foot.My wife had also noticed the fellow, but I still used our codeword for danger. She responded in the affirmative and had the car keys in hand. At this point my pocket knife was in hand, closed and concealed. We get to the car and get in very quickly, locking doors. At this point the guy breaks into a bit of a jog. I have my knife deployed but below the window, doors are locked. We back out in a rush while guy starts trying to speak to us, waving his hands.Lesson's learned:Always pay attention to your surroundings, especially in transitory spaces like parking lots.Do have pre-agreed codewords for danger with your loved ones. In this case my wife noticed as I did, but if she hadn't those few seconds would of made a big deal.Do remember that locked car doors are a barrier. Do be ready to get in your car quickly.For me, I knew this particular place could be a bit sketch, especially after dark. I should of foregone the margarita (which I did anyways!) from the start and just carried. I can always make myself a drink at home.My wife became very aware that when she isn't carrying her ccw, she is entirely unarmed. No pepper spray, no knife, nothing. I at least had a knife, but frankly I don't really want to be in a knife fight.My wife also said "because I didn't have my gun, I felt very naked in that situation."Follow up:We debated calling the police on the car ride home but technically the fellow who chased us didn't break any laws, and the police don't really tend to show up in that area of town. When we got home my wife called the restaurant we were at and told a manager what happened - he said he had already chased off a fellow in the parking lot but would check again. via /r/CCW

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