Monday, January 1, 2018

New carrier - tips, tricks, and issues - Help please!

Hi all, I have applied for my WA - CPL about half a month ago so my CPL should be here sometime mid-January.In order to get used to carrying, I've been carrying my pistol in my holster around the house and have been wearing my holster without a pistol when outside.I have a Steyr M9-A1 with a Alien Gear Cloak Tuck 3.0 IWB. For those of you that don't know, the Steyr M9-A1 is similar size to a Glock 19 with a few exceptions: The angle between the grip and rail is larger on the Steyr and the grip is longer by about 0.5 inches.Admittingly, the Steyr M9-A1 wasn't the brightest choice for a CCW but I REALLY enjoy it so I figured I'd find a way to carry it.I'm 5'10, 190lb, 34 waist and am using Hanks AMA2495 Gunner Belt -1.5" - Black - 38. Here are my issues:1) The belt - I can't seem to find a sweet spot with it. One hole is too loose with the pistol and the other is too tight. When on the loose setting, the pistol makes it way down right to my hip bone. When too tight, well...It's too tight. So how tight is tight enough? Is it alright to drill a new hole or will it compromise the integrity, or should I wear it tight and let it stretch?2) Grip Printing - In nearly every position, the grip sticks out like a sore thumb. About 4 Oclock seems to work the best so far but even then, you can see the edge of the grip. I'd prefer 3:00 as it conceals the best but it's uncomfortable (maybe need larger pants?) I currently have it at about 25 deg cant. Here's a little caveat about printing.. I normally wouldn't really care about printing however, I plan on carrying at church and it's an Korean-American church. The American side wouldn't care that I carry however, the Korean side would flip out - which would not be good. When wearing just the holster with no gun, 3:30-4ish is the most comfortable especially as it is off to the side when driving.So with that said, what tips and trick do you have - especially those that carry full size(ish) pistols? What position do you carry at?Thanks! via /r/CCW

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