Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Remington R380: Would you consider one for $99?

This morning I received an email about the LGS "Black Friday" deals, and at the top of the ad was the Remington R380. Now, I have been in the market for a pocketable mouse gun for deep conceal but never considered the R380 because, well, Remington, and instead was looking towards the S&W Bodyguard.Anyway, what piqued my interest in the R380 was the price: on sale for $199 PLUS $100 mail-in rebate, so $99 all-said-and-done. That's Hi-Point money.I've been trying to dig up some more info on the reliability of this little thing, but most of the info is a few years old. Does anybody here have experience with this thing recently? Is it something YOU would be comfortable carrying on rare occasions for that price?I'm tempted to jump on this deal, but they do also have the S&W BG on sale for $249. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2A0bhrN

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