Saturday, November 25, 2017

[Discussion] Expansion vs energy?

muhstahhpinPower!When we are talking about putting a target down the most important factors are round placement and follow up rounds in a fatal zone. A Tzone shot with a .22 is 100% more lethal then a through and through with a .45 in the shoulder.That being said, I think there is room for discussion about other factors in terminal ballistics without using the dreaded "stopping" phrase.When we are talking trauma to the body, bullets are primarily shock damage instead of bleeding a target (eg. arrows). This is where I seem to not be able to get much info.Is the fastest, heaviest bullet going to impart the most damage, or is it the round with the largest expansion? Penetration matters because a round that stops in the body imparts all its energy into that body, while a round moving through carries a large amount of its energy with it. If that round is very fast and heavy and stops in the body, it will impart a hell of a shockwave. Expansion is good though as a large wound channel can cause some serious trauma as well.Looking through luckygunner ballistics you see the round weight, penetration, expansion, and fps. Obviously the fastest, heaviest round, expanding the widest, and not penetrating through the target is going to cause the most absolute damage possible.The question is how would you prioritize/rank these variables (fps, weight, expansion (and to a lesser extent mass retained), and penetration)?Thanks, hopefully a good discussion! via /r/CCW

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