Tuesday, November 21, 2017

How do I ask my employer about CCW on company property?

I work in IT, at a desk most of the time, and I've been in my position for a little less than 1 year. I'm 25, and I have my Wisconsin CCW permit.I always carry my concealed firearm, although up until now, I've been leaving it locked in my handsafe in my car. Wisconsin law states that my employer cannot prohibit me from doing that much. At this point, I dislike the idea of having to leave it in the car, as if something were to happen, I would feel really stupid (and a little guilty for being unprepared) if it was locked in the car.How do I properly broach the subject of carrying (either open or concealed as he would prefer, as I don't really care that much) without drawing excess attention to myself or getting 'in trouble'. I know I'm an adult so that really isn't a thing but I'd rather not put myself at risk of being fired under false pretenses. I love my job, and I don't see any reason that he would say no other than his personal opinion on firearms.We don't have an internal HR department, so I'd be going to either my immediate supervisor (or more likely) the company's owner.Any advice would be appreciated!EDIT: Regarding the employee handbook, here are the quoted sections that are relavent: Under prohibited conduct: "Possession of a weapon, explosive, firearm, or other instrument intended to be used in a dangerous manner while on company property or while on company business." Under Searches "If Company Management reasonably suspects that you possess weapons or other such items, it may search your property, such as your vehicle, lunchbox, cooler, purse, briefcase, parcels, and similar items. In addition, any company property, such as desks, offices, or workspaces may be searched. If deemed appropriate, the Company may request the involvement of law enforcement authorities in a search" via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2za0EkW

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