Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Being confronted by retail store management

Let's say you are in a store, with your CCW on you, properly concealed, and you are approached by a member of staff who tells you that a customer has informed them that they think you have a gun, and they ask you if this is true. Let's say it's one of those stores where their "policy" is to forbid weapons on the premises, but it's not technically illegal - the worst case is that they ask you to leave, and you leave. Say, somewhere like Costco.So, the questions...Am I required to tell them upon asking whether or not I am actually carrying? Would you simply deny it, since concealed is concealed and they can't see it at this moment, or do you come clean to avoid a scene? Do they have any right to frisk me or lay a hand on me if I refuse to confirm or deny that I'm carrying? Do they have a right to lay a hand on me while "escorting" me from the store?I'm just curious as to what exactly my and their rights are in this situation. Thoughts? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2nbIr56

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