Thursday, April 20, 2017

Ugggh. Holsters. I am so sorry.

Please accept my sincere apologies for yet another holster thread. I have read the sidebar. I have checked the FAQ. I have done a search. I feel like I still need your brains.My freshly-minted lifetime Concealed Carry permit should be here in a week or two.I finally got my medium-sized, railed grip module for my Sig P320 Subcompact 9mm.It is now time to invest in an IWB EDC holster.I'm 6'0, about 180lbs and wear relatively well-fitted clothes. No baggy jeans. No XL T-shirts. I know a lot of people say "dress to your gun," but I didn't go through the process of choosing a firearm and getting my permit so I could turn my body into a holster and be worn around by my gun while it lives my life.That said, I want to be practical. I know everything is a compromise.I'm a lefty, so I'll probably stick to wearing either 11:00 appendix or 8:00-ish left hip. A holster that is versatile enough to work in both positions would be a plus.I work from home so tuckable or not isn't that important to me.We just got my wife a Stealthgear Ventcore AIWB, which is really nice, but their lead times (over 25 days) and my curiosity have me wondering what else might be out there for me that fits my criteria.I'm pretty interested in the JM4 Tactical QCC magnetic holster as well. If you have any experience with them, let me know.Thank you in advance for the knowledge. This sub is awesome. via /r/CCW

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