Thursday, April 27, 2017

Exposing myself

Hey folks, I'm in that early stage of wearing around the house unchambered to get the feel of things. It's a Sig P320 Compact in a StealthGear Revolution. I'm waiting on my Hank's Gunner Belt, so right now just an old, leather belt.I've tried a couple different combos of shirt, shirt+fleece jacket, couple other things. Anytime I do something low like loading/unloading dishwasher, picking something up off the floor, my shirt rides up and hangs on the grip.Normal? Do I just need to get int he habit of monitoring this when out in public? Caused by old, saggy belt? Need to start wearing shirts down to my knees?I'm probably going to try a subcompact setup which will reduce the grip length, but I doubt that will resolve the problem completely. Any other suggestions to try? via /r/CCW

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