Friday, April 28, 2017

Drew my gun last night

Reddit was down last night so i just wrote it as i text document so i could post it this morning. this was written literally 30seconds after it happened."this literally just happened then i walked home and started typing this, my hearts is still racing from this. its a little before midnight and I’m taking my dog for its last walk of the day, like out of no where a big ass german shepherd is sprinting full speed towards me and my dog, My dog is a 4 pound yorkie so if this dog gets one bite that could easily kill my dog, i love my dog like a brother, he could have easily bit the fuck out of me too, i was trying to get her dog off of us while pushing away the dog with my foot, be he was so strong he just kept on coming. at this point i draw my gun and point it at him but i kept my finer on the trigger, i didn’t WANT to shoot the dog but every second that past felt like minutes, i was screaming get your dog, I’m going to shoot your dog grab him! , while this is happening i see a girly freaking out just as hard trying to grab her dog and screaming a mix of IM SORRY and STOP!!! but she couldn’t hold her back at all, i remember thinking “thats it, i HAVE to shoot him” i felt like my options were shoot her dog or watch my dog get killed, but like a split second after that she manages to grab him a bit, i let go of my dogs leash, holster my gun and helped her hold her dog back, once she held him i went and tied my dog to a post, initially i was so mad, my blood was boiling, someones dog almsot killed my dog, i almost killed a dog, i was so mad, but then reality set in a bit and i realized i had just pulled a gun in public, i went and made sure she was ok, she was apologizing so much and almost in tears, i told her its ok and I’m sorry i pulled a gun on your dog, we talked for a bit and i helped take her dog to her apartment, then i came back here, it all happened so fast, yet happened so slow. Im so happy that i didn’t kill her dog, i would have dreamt about it forever, but i feel awful at the same time, did i over react? what if i wasn’t justified, things like that, the girl was so shook, i feel i did the right thing, that was crazy"that was last night so my hands were still shaking a bit as i typed. It all happened so fast, i carry with a round chambered. There was no way i would have had time to rack the slide, especially with my other hand occupied holding my own dog trying to get him out of the way of the other dog. Im very happy with how i physically handled it. i didnt shoot, not because i couldnt do it but because i wanted to give the other dog every possible second to stop or get pulled away. I knew i didnt want to accidentally shoot while all this was happening so i kept my finger off the trigger the whole time, purposely. My draw was immediate, and i reholstered as soon as it was over. Im glad with the way everything turn out given the situation, part of me wonders if i over reacted a bit, but in the moment i was genuinely worried my dog was about to get attacked and killed, as far as i know in texas i would have been justified to shoot since the dog did not have a leash, and was running full speed at me and did not respond when i kick/pushed him away. After would love to get an outside perspective on what happened. After i wrote this i realized i had the broken leash from the other dog, i went to go give it back and make sure she was ok since she seemed really shocked and almost in tears, her ans her boy friend came to the door. They both apologized, asked if my dog was ok, and he said he would have done the same, we talked for a min or 2 then i went back home, i didnt feel a need to call the police since everyone involved was ok (mentally and physically)would love to get the sub reddits feed back, first time this has ever happened. did i do anything wrong? what could/should i of done differently? via /r/CCW

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