Friday, April 21, 2017

New law in KY for CCW training eligibility

HB417 was signed about a week and half ago and is now new law.Two main revisions have been made to the law. The first is to address that off-duty LEO may carry anywhere on-duty LEO may which now has a fine attached to it anyone denying access to said LEO and the second is(i) Demonstrates competence with a firearm by successful completion of a firearms safety or training course that is conducted by a firearms instructor who is certified by a national organization with membership open to residents of any state or territory of the United States, which was created to promote firearms education, safety, and the profession of firearms use and training, and to foster professional behavior in its members. The organization shall require members to adhere to its own code of ethics and conduct a program which [that]certifies firearms instructors and includes the use of written tests,in person instruction, and a component of livefire training. These national organizations shall include,but are not limited to The National Rifle Association, The United States Concealed Carry Association, and the National Shooting Sports Foundation.Can you tell who lobbied for this change?Could come in handy for those who cant find time / money to do the 8 hour class! via /r/CCW

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