Thursday, April 20, 2017

Had a Coming to Jesus Moment Today. Carry a Gun You Are Willing to Fight With.

For those of you who have not heard, there was a robbery and subsequent shooting of two police officers in Downtown Seattle today. It began with an armed robbery of a 7-11.I frequent that exact 7-11 every day at about the same time the armed robbery took place. The only reason I didn't step out of my office for an afternoon coffee was because my boss has been working my ass off. I was there about 2 hours before this all went down. Had today been a normal day I could have been in the back corner pouring a coffee or grabbing a monster.I normally carry a full sized gun in my bag like a VP9 or Glock 21 in case of an active shooter or violent protest going on. I also carry a P938 in my pocket. Reflecting on it, I would not be confident with only having 6+1 if I needed it in an actual gun fight. You can train with your weapon all you want, but in this situation there were three people to deal with.I carry the P938 because of crazy fucks living out here, not because of armed robberies. These are not normal even though this is a shitty part of downtown. I got fucking lucky today. Seriously think about how ready you are to instantly present your gun and put rounds on target. Not to say that I wouldn't just hide in the back and try to be a good witness, but these fucking nuts got in a gunfight with cops over chips and beer. No sane, rational person does that. via /r/CCW

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