So I've had my CC permit for over a year. We have several guns and go to ranges/friends with accarage pretty often in the summertime. I got my permit mostly for transporting the guns to and from the range and because my other half is active duty, I'm home alone quite a bit.I haven't actually concealed carried since I got my permit. I live in an area where you are either very liberal and abore guns or you're conservative and are perfectly fine with them. I am not a tiny woman but pretty thin and I feel like it is obvious when I have a holster because there is simply nowhere to hide it where it's hidden but still accessible. My other half has some meat on him and when he carries on the small of he back it's obvious to me, but I can't tell at all if he hides it in the front under a love handle. I have a Springfield XDS which I chose because it's small but it has a nice grip, safety, and I'm comfortable using it. I'm not afraid of the gun, I'm more concerned about making other people uncomfortable. I feel like if I can't hide it properly, then I can't carry it. I have seen other people who give it away when they reach up for something or bend over. I don't care but I have friends who would be on edge seeing that and this isn't assumption, they have told me this. This is my first post and I'm not trying to get political so I hope it's not getting taken that way.So what is your advice for breaking the seal so to speak? Should I suck it up and wear a jacket all the time? Is this just like when you lose your virginity and you feel like everyone can tell but they could probably care less? Did you tailor your wardrobe to be concealment friendly? via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2pOk4u3
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