Friday, December 9, 2016

Update: "Illegally" carrying saved my life

I made a post a while back in here talking about the first time I got mugged while living on my own - I was legitimately considering joining the reserves so I could get my LTC since I was only 19 then and it's completely illegal for me to carry a handgun in TX at that age.I didn't end up enlisting, but I did end up buying an M&P Shield 9mm from someone and started just carrying that anyways. I read a lot about it online and it looks like unlawful carry in texas is usually just used as a sentence enhancement and very few people have been arrested just for unlawful carry without committing another crime. Considering the only illegal thing I'd be doing was CC'ing (which is my right under the 2nd amendment regardless of bullshit state law) I figured i'd roll the dice as the risk of being mugged again was probably greater than being caught.A few months went by and nothing eventful happened. I was a bit nervous about carrying at first but literally nobody notices if you're concealing properly, and not otherwise doing anything wrong. Then as I was walking back from work one night, something happened.I was just on my way back when I started hearing footsteps behind me at like almost midnight after work, and what alarmed me was that it definitely sounded like 3 or more people. The path I take home is not very heavily travelled, which is partially why it alarmed me. Not wanting to start anything with some random people I don't know, I didn't turn around to look at them, which was probably my first mistake. Probably 3 minutes go by and one of them grabs me by my backpack and tries to yank me down - though I was sort of ready for this to happen so it only startled me and I was able to turn around. It was 4 guys, two of which had baseball bats, looked like knives in the other guys' hands.As soon as I saw the guys and my brain registered they had weapons out, I went to draw. It looked like one of the guys started to lunge towards me, they were probably a couple yards away at best. As soon as I had the gun out from under my waistband, I remember one of them said "oh shit!" and they started taking off and by the time I had my sights lined up on one of them, they were already turning around and heading the opposite direction. I didn't shoot, but I almost did. My first instinct when lining up the sights was pulling the trigger but I had to force myself not to.I had never experienced adrenaline overload until then, I should note. Tunnel vision is actually some real shit, and I had this massive lump in my throat and my hands were shaking like crazy. The guys ducked off the sidewalk somewhere and I was left standing there with my gun out thinking do I call the police? Wtf do I do now?Deciding that maybe calling the police while illegally carrying in an already sketchy area of town was probably not a good idea, I just reholstered and sprinted back home as soon as I could.Given that all of the attackers were carrying deadly weapons, and I vividly remember one starting to lunge towards me, I have little doubt that those guys would've either beat the shit out of me to paralysis or killed me right there for my computer in my backpack and whatever else they could find on me had I not been armed that night. I couldn't see any of their faces to remember them considering my vision was already fucked from the adrenaline and as dark as it was outside, so as much as I wanted to file a police report about it there was really nothing to report.Anyways, that's just my story. I do feel lucky that I didn't have to end up shooting anyone that night and go through the legal hell of trying to prove my innocence. It's a shame it's illegal to carry here for me still (am 20 now) but I'll continue to carry regardless. I've got a car now so the chances of that happening again are probably pretty slim, thankfully. This is my last semester in this shitty community college (which is the only reason I live in this dumpy area) and the uni I am transferring to is in a way nicer area of town, so thats reassuring at least.Always carry. We have the 2nd amendment for a reason. via /r/CCW

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