Thursday, December 1, 2016

Recently Had To Draw

Throwaway since some friends know my main, and I'd rather they don't learn of this through Reddit - if they ever do.It's been about a week now, and things have blown over, but still figured I'd share my story.This last weekend, my younger sister decided to surprise me with tickets to a college football game. We got up early, went out to breakfast, and left for our hour drive early. Luckily, she knows the area well (graduating from the school), so we were able to park for free and legally in a nearby residential area. We parked behind an SUV with a trailer attached and tarp over it (significant later). We were still a couple hours from gates opening, so we decided to walk around and play some Pokemon Go. After a while of playing, our phones were dead, and we went back to the car to grab our second batteries and to get ready for the game.As we arrived back at the car, there was someone cutting the ropes tying the tarp on to the trailer. As we swapped our batteries, they became irate, knife in hand. Alarm bells started to go off for me, and we started to leave. They started to scream at us, accusing us of "stealing their bungee cords." As we were walking away, I assured them that we didn't, and wished them luck in finding them. And that sent them over the edge, knife still in hand. Still screaming at us, they started to walk towards us, knife still in hand. I thought (very briefly) about running, but my sister is asthmatic and wouldn't have been able to run far. Knowing of the tueller drill, and knowing they were within the 21 feet, I made the decision to draw my handgun. I pleaded with them to leave us alone, and with the gun on them, something clicked and they started to walk away. I kept the gun at low ready as they got in to their SUV and drove away. I re-holstered, and called 9-1-1.The police were there surprisingly quick. Given how big of a game this was, I shouldn't be surprised, especially since some neighbor's had also called in the disturbance. But within a few moments, state troopers were there taking both mine, and my sister's statement. To be honest, I wasn't thinking clearly, and I probably should have lawyered up. Luckily, given the situation, I wasn't cited with anything and it doesn't look like anything's going to come of it, but I certainly learned how hard it is to just not tell your story to police when they ask.My sister somehow managed to get the trailer's license plate, and a detective called to let me know that they had been arrested, and that they may have some more questions for me, and wanted to make sure my phone number was correct and get my address. Any meetings with them, I likely will have a lawyer present, even though it seems to be about the other person, I want to cover my ass, still. Looks like they got booked on Harassment, Menacing, and DUII charges.Luckily, the day wasn't a total bust. Had time to grab some coffee, calm down a bit, and still see the game, and to top it off, our team won. :)Some things to take away from this.1) Guard up. Always. The distance we created by walking away early helped tremendously.2) It's incredibly easy to talk to police. In the heat of the moment, I needed an ally, and it felt like telling them my story would get me one.3) Never not carry. I considered not carrying since firearms, even by CHL holders, is a prohibited item on campus/at the stadium. Luckily, in my state, the only thing they can do is ask you to leave, and if you don't, trespass you. So I decided to do it anyways. Glad I did. via /r/CCW

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