Thursday, December 1, 2016

Posts or subs elsewhere on r/ that affirmed your decision to carry?

I browse a lot of Reddit communities. Sometimes it's educational interest, sometimes a discussion in one sub links to another and I check it out and sometimes it's morbid curiosity. We all know there are dark people in the world but when you read their own thoughts in their own words it brings it home to me. There are some pedophile groups here on Reddit and when they talk about their "hunger", call children "lollipops" and drug names, role play with each other and write fictional short stories, as someone who was sexually assaulted as a minor, and as the father of both a boy and a girl, I have never been more resolute to carry a firearm and stay vigilant.Have you ever read anything on Reddit that made you stop and say "THAT is why I carry" ? via /r/CCW

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