Saturday, December 3, 2016

Helping a gun shy woman learn to be more comfortable

My best friend and I had a situation occur the other day which made us both uncomfortable, but freaked her out more than me. She knew I was concerned about things around where I live post-election for a reason, but she's incredibly sheltered, despite being 29. We were walking back to my house from the pizza place and these three guys started following us (I think they were trying to be subtle, but I was raised by hunters who thought 'learn how to track deer' was an acceptable make your own girl scout badge, so it was kinda obvious to me.) I purposefully just kept walking because aside from size and stalking behaviour, I didn't see a weapon and am waiting for my CCW to clear. We got home fine, but one of them got a little close and unnerved her with a sexual comment.Enough that a few days later, she's asking my Da and I to teach her to shoot, so that she can eventually carry. Now, she's used to seeing guns in the house, we have several gun cabinets and she was there when Da presented me with my new Kimber, and she's fine with that. Any suggestion of her touching one however, led to head shakes and denials, usually. Her parents are pacifists to an extreme degree, formerly Amish. She's not, but guns were always presented as something from Satan to lure Christians away from God at worst and terrible-awful-killing-machines at best when she was growing up. She has gotten used to guns as tools thanks to being around when Da brings deer home, but has a hard time shaking that. She wants to learn to shoot, she's interested, but handing her an unloaded, checked revolver and semiautomatic to see how the sights worked and to learn how to hold one properly left her not shaking, but distinctly uncomfortable. Does anyone have any experience with making someone more comfortable with forearms? I don't want to take her to the gun club, even on a slow day, until I think she's comfortable enough not to drop a loaded firearm if she hears something go bang from another range. Short of Duck Hunt with the bright orange gun peripheral on original Nintendo, I'm a little lost. via /r/CCW

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