Sunday, July 31, 2016
Looking for a kydex cross-draw IWB
Does Stealthgear make the Onyx for a FNX-45 NON-tactical?
Confirmed: security hand wands at events are for show
First experience with anti-CCW, and it caught me by surprise
Public Service Announcement: Check your carry ammo regularly!
Recomendations for an appendix holster?
IWB CZ 2075 Holster for summer carry
Pocket Concealment Partly Showing When Sitting?
Only One [sic] Private Texas University Adopting Campus Carry
What are your opinions on the CCW "uniform"?
Raw Dog Hybrid IWB. I started painting when I got home and forgot I was even wearing it at 4 o'clock.
Friend of mine is clearing out some inventory on his kydex holsters. Veteran made and great quality.
[TheYankeeMarshal] How My Gun Saved My Bacon (One Dark Night In Birmingham, AL) | Stories like this are what have drawn me to CCW.
How to choose carry position without buying a bunch of holsters?
Saturday, July 30, 2016
My first interaction with Leo.
VA permit questions
The one time I didn't have it... (MN)
Volund vs. Ares
[Genuine Question] Good guys with guns, bad guys with guns, responsibility, and trusting strangers.
Stun gun that looks like a cellphone. Never become a victim again
Submitted July 30, 2016 at 07:02PM by iggydispatch
Ladies of CCW I need your help!!!
Any Good Holsters for the Taser Pulse?
gun belts in my price range?
Taking my gun to FL
Glock 43 sidecar
Size Upgrade - Single to Double Stack
TIFU - Just got a FL Drivers License
Off Duty Officer Thwarts Armed Robbery Attempt
TIFU by getting be be safer with my firearm when not carrying.
I picked up my KY CCDW today.
Friday, July 29, 2016
Positive Police Encounter
Best Last Resort Daily Carry other than Firearm
I live in a dangerous area, I do not want to use a weapon, but would like to be prepared to fend off an attacker if I am at risk of serious harm. I avoid dangerous situations and places as best I can, and would train myself with whatever I am to choose. I think a daily carry knife would be nice, but CCW threads and most people will agree it is not a great self defense tool. A night stick is too conspicuous and I'm not keen on mace. I'm leaning towards a fixed blade neck knife small enough to carry on my neck. Any opinions on what a good CCW weapon would be? I am unable to have a gun in Colorado due to Medical Marijuana Cardholder Restrictions.
Submitted July 30, 2016 at 01:25AM by Ericules
does anybody here have a Firearms Qualification Card from BSIS?
Knife-wielding man shot at Modesto Costco suffered mental illness- happened in my town, corrections officer was carrying off duty.
What's the Most Powerful Pepper Spray? (Attempting to Sift thru Ridiculous Levels of Marketing BS and Confusion)
What's the Most Powerful Pepper Spray? (Attempting to Sift thru Ridiculous Levels of Marketing BS and Confusion)
I already spent several hours trying to figure this out and I'm not even there yet. What I have established so far (correct me if I'm wrong is this).
There is a megafuckton of bullshit and confusion in the marketing of this.
Each brand seems to be pushing their own partyline on how the strength of the spray should be measured and not coincidentally their brand does best when measured according to their criteria. Here are some examples of "they're all lying to you, listen to us!" manifestos from the brands.
OC % alone is not a good measure of strength and neither is SHU.
The true measure of strength is called "Major capsaicinoids %" aka CRC %.
I've narrowed down my search to Sabre, Fox and UDAP.
What are your thoughts and experiences?
Submitted July 29, 2016 at 03:48PM by stellarrrr