Wednesday, July 14, 2021

I just wanna say it's stupid to require CCW.

Hello, before you start hating let me explain, I am from a constitutional carry state. My state has been that way since 2015. I have enjoyed 6 perfect years carrying how I want, when I want, where I want, and I've had 0 issues. It has helped me feel safe, i got a CCW permit in my state anyways for state reciprocity since I travel for work, but it's nice to know I don't NEED it to carry in my home state. I recently moved to Florida which requires you to have a CCW, No open carrying, and carrying without a license makes you a felon. I have been patiently waiting 35 days now for a response on my application to no avail. I am aware our commissioner is Anti Gun and I think she draws the system out on purpose because apparently if you email her about it she miraculously approves your license two or three days later. I feel currently completely defenseless. Where I live in Florida there is high crime, drug use, and poverty, it is not uncommon to see people cracked out tweaking in public and it makes you feel uneasy, especially when they look at you. This state is much worse off than my home state in terms of crime and now I cannot carry till my permit is approved. I currently picked up a job that requires me to go into a closed business at 1 in the morning and I get off at 4 am. I have to walk through a dark empty parking lot in the middle of the night and sometimes a dude is biking around at 3am and gets really close to my car, it makes me uneasy, homeless sleep behind the building overnight and sometimes peer inside while I'm working. It's just a matter of time before some crazy does something. I am upset because i feel completely hopeless and that my rights are being trampled. Just wanted to share my two cents. via /r/CCW

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