Saturday, July 31, 2021

Taffic stop when carrying

I have a Texas LTC and cars registered to me.So I got pulled over outside Houston last week. Heres how it went down.Rolling by a few mph over in the HOV lane on I45 at 7am. Im in a new Mercedes SUV with my kid in a car seat in the back.I come up to a trooper in moderate traffic and slow and stay in his driver side baffles. He slows and gets behind me and lights it up.All the way over 5 lanes I stop in the shoulder nice and smooth, kids asleep.Truck running, front windows (tinted) go down. Kid wakes up.Trooper runs up passenger side, puts his head in and looks around. Hey reason I pulled you over is your speed and no front plate (I think he was trying to get an HOV violation, but didn’t see the kid till we stopped)He asks for my drivers license and I hand him my ltc on top of my dl.You have your weapon in the car? Yes sir, I do.Where? Right here, pointing to my appendix carry concealed under my shirt.Ok, stay right here, I’m gonna give you a warning. Hands me my LTC2 mins later Walks back, paper warning in hand. Please mind the traffic pulling out.Thank you, have a good day!Went on with life. The best traffic stop experience of my life (first in Texas) via /r/CCW

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