Friday, July 30, 2021

Near draw experience

Recapping a near draw experience I just had.I bought a new motorcycle helmet today and was really itching to try it out, so after my son got picked up I decided to take my bike out for a spin and see how it feels. I pulled up to a stop light to make a left next to a kid in a fixed up WRX, we were the first vehicles in line. I jokingly revved at him, he smiled and waved. Then I hear a voice from behind.“Where’d you get that bike?” I turn my head and lift my visor, he repeats his question.Admittedly I was completely off guard, and replied, “uh, a dealership in Bend!” My motorcycle is not exactly easy to find new right now so his question sort of made sense.What I didn’t immediately realize is that he wasn’t just hanging out the passenger window, he was standing in the door jam with either a baseball bat or a pipe. He barked back, “no way man, I know where you got that bike, that’s not your bike!”At this point I was ready to either take off like a bat out of hell, or if I couldn’t safely leave and he advanced in front of the car door, I was prepared to draw.Thankfully I heard the WRX take off, and turned to see the light was green. I fled as fast as I could, with him in chase. He ran a red light to keep up with me, so I positioned myself for an escape.At this point we were both doing 50-60mph, so I let him get close enough to me in the lane next to me that I was able to take a turn-off at the very last moment. I took an odd way home cautiously watching for him, and finally got home safely.All things considered, since I’m confident I lost him tonight, I don’t think it will make any difference if I call the local PD to document the incident tonight or in the morning.I’ve been carrying for almost 5 years and this was the first time I’ve ever felt like drawing was a real possibility. I’m big on de-escalation and walking away, and have done that in the past. Tonight felt very different, and I’m happy to say that I felt like my survival instincts were prepared for whatever happened.Side note- I was planning for just a short trip around town and almost left my gun at home. Hindsight I’m so glad I didn’t, and was so glad I had it even though I didn’t have to use it.Commence armchair quarterbacking.-Edited for spelling via /r/CCW

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