Friday, July 30, 2021

Safe storage vs. accessibility

Ok I am looking to get a wide range of opinions on this topic. The obvious point of having a CPL/CCW is for self defense. At the same time it is undisputed that the safest way to store a firearm is:No magazineNo round in chamberLocked in a safeAmmunition stored separatelyAmmunition lockedThese two goals are juxtaposed to each other. How exactly are you supposed to defend yourself if you have to:unlock the ammunitionload a clipunlock the safeunlock gunload clip in gunrack slideChances are you'd be able to respond faster with a knife from the kitchen! Not as effective, but definitely a faster response time.The reason I bring this up is because I have a 4 yr old at home right now AND I have someone, recently paroled "due to COVID" who shouldn't have been, so I ABSOLUTELY MUST be able to defend myself and family...but anyone with a kid that young knows that staging a loaded gun without it being locked up is a recipe for disaster.I asked my father, who is a retired state trooper who raised 5 kids, and he told me that the single most important thing is to ensure the gun is locked. i.e. safer to have a locked gun and unlocked ammunition than locked ammunition and an unlocked gun, even though those two states are not mutually exclusive. While he was working he would put a pistol lock on his semiauto and a longshackle on his revolver. The longshackle was a biometric read so he could unlock it while picking it up, point the gun down and the shackle falls off, slam the cylinder closed and he's G2G.Now I don't have a revolver. I have the ever-so-popular SigP365. I also have a Ruger LCP (.22) (which I don't consider for self-defense but just target plinking) as well as a BondArms derringer chambered in .410 which I carry with me when at home. My thoughts are:Fully loaded clip (not in gun but in the safe next to it), unloaded chamber, locked in the safe. The safe I have is a single handgun fingerprint safe (combination and key backup). This is how I have been operating for the past month or two. I have chosen to keep the chamber unloaded because adrenaline is a real thing and I don't want to risk the gun going off as I pull it out of the safe. I can do it perfectly fine when I'm cool, calm and collected but as the saying goes, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth".So...the point of the post is that I am open to your ideas. One of you out there may have an idea I never even though of. I am also definitely open to changing my storage method, even including keeping one in the chamber if the "solution" is practice more. Especially looking to hear from parents of kids. Is this safe enough in your opinion? Too safe? Too little? What are your thoughts on the matter? via /r/CCW

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