Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Robbery/attempted murder this morning

At 0415 I woke up to the sound of a car alarm. It turned off maybe a minute later. I remember that my car locks do not work all the time when I lock it using the key fob. Whenever I open my unlocked door without pressing unlock, the alarm sounds off, so immediately I assume it's my car that was going off. I peer out the window of my room in my apartment but the view of my car is obstructed by a big bushy shrub. So I decide to investigate, as I had some military gear in my vehicle.I take my little 380 and put it in my pocket, inside of my pocket holster. I throw on a t-shirt and I make my way outside. I come into view of my car and see that the lights are on on the inside. I think to myself, crap! My battery is probably dead and I'm going to be late for work if I don't fix this situation in the next hour.... So I unlock my car with the key fob and the horn sounds 3 times, which never happens. A single horn sounds only when I lock the doors. So I get in my car and start the engine. I turn off the headlights and wait. Everything seems to be in order. I see that my radio is still there and I check the back and my rucksack and my helmet are present as well. I then manually locked each door and decide to head back inside.I get back in my bed but I have no wanting to go back to sleep. I spend the hour I have left on my phone. I'm watching a video on my phone, about 20 minutes after I checked my car, when I hear a faint "pop pop pop" in the distance. I rewind the video on my phone because I thought there was no way that someone just fired off a gun... No pop sound this time. Not but 5 minutes later I see reddish flashing lights coming through my window blinds from the adjacent parking lot, and they quickly fade away. I think maybe those were the orange lights of a dump truck and the pop sounds were just from the dumpster being lifted up and emptied. A few minutes later I see blue lights this time and the lights are flashing through my blinds. I look outside and I see them taping off the parking lot area with crime scene tape.Now I realize those sounds were definitely the sounds of a weapon being fired. I get dressed in my PT uniform as it was about 0530 anyway and time for me to head out. I pulled up to the crime scene tape where an officer greets me and asks what he can do for me. I tell him "I don't know if this will help or not but..." And I tell him about the events that transpired with my vehicle earlier on and that I heard the gunshots. He tells me to get my phone and contact my superiors to let them know that I will be late to work and I do so. He asks me if I had body armor in my vehicle. I say yes it's in my rucksack (I use it for weight) and he searches my rucksack. He tells me my equipment may be linked to a serious crime. A wave of relief hits me as he asks me if this was my body armor as he knocks on one of the armor plates inside the ruck. Minutes later a crime scene van pulls up and I give consent for them to dust my car for fingerprints. I then overheard the officer talking on the phone, "yeah I'm here at the crime scene. It's looking like robbery slash attempted murder" and he walks off. Finally around 0715 I am sent on my way.I'm thinking that the robber was making his/her way from parking lot to parking lot, stealing from vehicles until he/she got spooked by my alarm, thinking the doors were unlocked and it was safe to go through. I assume the robber made his/her way to the other parking lot and continued until the owner of the car he was looking through found him and put a few rounds in him. Either that or the robber found the owner first and put a few in the owner, didn't succeed in killing him/her and dipped out.If the owner found the robber and didn't use any escalation of force and just decided to pop off, would that be attempted murder?This whole event was pretty eye opening. I definitely didn't expect anything like this last night when I went to sleep. I'm just thankful I decided to have my gun on me just in case; because who knows, if I would have woken up 5 minutes prior and checked, if I'd meet the robber mid robbery and I was the one being taken away in the ambulance. via /r/CCW https://ift.tt/2mOgvVt

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