Sunday, October 13, 2019

I defended myself from sexual assault - Or "Why you take self defense classes"


This weekend I had an experience that really reminded me of why I did my year of "Self defense for women" alongside a group of really supportive women. I wanted to share it with anyone, woman or man, that has thought about it, but never actually gotten to start their self defense training.

I visited a big nightclub Saturday night and for once I actually danced. Somehow I got away from my group in the packed crowd but didn´t really think about it. It was all to much fun!
You know how you dances and lock eye with someone, smiles and dance a moment towards each other, and after a bit of that you dance of towards new friendly people? Well. This man didn´t.
As I turned around the man took this as an invitation to come up behind me, push his body against mine and put his hands around my high and down towards my crotch.
I Instantly reacted with turning around and shouted in a stern tone over the noise "No! You didn´t get my permission to do that, did you?"
He laughed at me as if I was playing hard to get and reached out for me again. I instinctively put my arms up and pushed him back. Hard. The guy would have feel over if not the pure mass of bodies behind him would have prevented it.
I took a step back and walked away. Not wanting to provoke him further.

The night was otherwise lovely. But then...
Stupid me stood outside by myself smoking, while my friend had just run from the ice cold night air in to the warmth of the club.
Suddenly; there he is. The same guy and now with the back up of a friend.
Guy: "What the f*ck did you push me for, aggressive little b*tch!"
Me: "I did not say that you could touch me and you basically assaulted me."
Guy: "Yeah. Sure. I danced with you and now I´m a rapist?"
Me: "No. Your are a groper who should respect people enough to not to push your d*ck against their butt."
Guy: "Hey! YOU looked ME and wanted to dance"
Me: "Yes. But I didn´t say I wanted to be touched, did I?"
The guy was obviously livid. I was too drunk to be smart and deescalate or remove myself from the situation or even check to see that anyone else could see us.
After berating me some more, he apparently had enough of me. He closed in on me and said that I "obviously didn´t know what assault ment"
He reached out to grab me around the waist. For a split second I froze.
When I returned to consciousness, I suddenly went into that automatic mode I had learnt in class.
I prepared my arms for getting out of a grip and promptly kicked him in the groin when he advanced for me. As he was not prepared and not too sober himself it took a moment before he had realized what had happen. I threw myself towards him and pushed him to the ground.
Before I could react, he dragged me to the floor and sat on top of me, with my arms held down on each side of my head. I started screaming "Don´t touch me!" and "Help!". Simultaneously I started to kick my knees upward and managed to lean him forward. That´s when I yanked my hands down and out of his grip. I then managed to role to the side and get him off me.
That´s when the security guard rounded the corner.

I have been called to an interview with the police. Don´t know what will happen. Thankfully security can testify that he was indeed on top of me.

I have no idea of how it would have played out if we both was sober. Yet I am so grateful for all the training. All it takes is one horrible situation for it to pay off.

Take care of yourself and never take crap from anyone <3

Submitted October 13, 2019 at 09:12PM by YourQuirk

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