Monday, January 8, 2018

I have brought shame to the CCW community

I'm sure I fucked up today, but I'm not sure just how badly yet.Backstory: I've been under a lot of stress, trying to plan a marriage, moving in with the fiance and setting up her stroke-victim mother in another place, plus financial issues, car issues, starting a new semester in school, and some health worries. Pile all that on a plate, and then put a little sleep loss due to my new job.I was on the road to class this afternoon, and someone cuts me off without even a signal. Once I got next to them again, I see that they're on their phone, and I lose it. I lay on the horn, and wave at them to get off the phone and drive right. This middle-aged woman gives me the finger and goes back to talking, so for whatever reason I think it's a good idea to give a little swerve at them. They swerve back at me, harder, and here's where I make the situation 50x worse: I wave my gun at them.I see her face go to shock, and, satisfied that they're sufficiently scared, accelerate ahead. They proceed to follow me, and I assume call the police and take pictures of my plate. They stay behind me for several miles, and I miss my exit, and have to take a quick jump off the highway later on, the speed of which causes them to finally lose me. I then go to class, and head home afterwards.I know what I did was completely in the wrong, so I ask, fellow carriers, should I expect an officer to knock on my door? Is it likely there's a warrant out for me? Am I going to lose my permit for this? I'm pretty shook right now. via /r/CCW

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