Thursday, January 4, 2018

I brought the idea of CCW up and the fact that im getting a CCL soon to my father. This is is reaction:

My dad has a foid, he only owns .22's A mp22 and an mp15-22 lr. and a rugar 22 m3. He does not carry, and told me today he only shoots for the fun of it, but doesn't like the price that comes with the hobby so thats his reasoning for only owning and shooting 22's. (He doesnt hunt not including that type of firearm use in this post)I have a different feeling about guns... I believe they are tools, we should use them in dire situations so long as the law permits, and its in the effort of protecting my own life or another. Even my assailant, if I am put into that situation ever. (I dont hunt, but I want to hunt as it somewhat pertains to my career (chef))So the other day I bought my first gun, a shield 9m 2.0 for CCW purposes. I purchased 200 rounds of target ammo and 60 rounds of carry ammo. I.e Hollow point ammunition. Today I went shooting with my dad and my brother, i had not disclosed my intentions of ccl/ccw yet. I put 100 rounds of the target ammo down range and 20 rounds of the carry ammo. The reason being was... I felt like I should make sure that the ammo that I plan to carry would successfully fire. Ill be shooting more of that ammo early next week.after our time at the range my brother asked the question why the type of ammo mattered, my father never asked me up until this point why I bought and shot hollow points. I told them that based on what i've read online and talking with the sales person, the ammunition is meant to stop bullets. I.e its great in ccw purposes because it wont continue to travel into the person im shooting and out into the wall and perhaps injure someone else. This is where the three of us began talking about CCL.My brother on the topic has no real notion, no real opinion. Hes not knowledgeable at all with firearms, truthfully I believe they scare him slightly and he prefers not too use them. he mentioned not being comfortable at the rangeMy dad on the other-hand, a very smart individual, immediately points down towards the idea of ccw and me. We had our disagreements and a bit of a debate over it. However in my opinion he could not give me a real reason not too carry. Other than saving a few bucks... (The reason for him buying one of the pistols was for me too be able to use it and not spend my own money.) Another argument he had was a few hypothetical situations where I shoot someone and a civil suit is called upon me. And I get into trouble. However I know that with my CCL class Ill learn a bit more about when its ok to fire. And im sure ill learn more from here and as I do more research on Illinois law. His last argument was to "take it". Basically saying that if I get robbed, someone tries to steal my car, anything.. Just let them have it rather than shooting them, therefore I dont need a gun... Because we have insurance. I told him however, the idea is to protect my life, not necessarily my valuables.. So unless im threatened to the point of me being harmed, I dont believe I would attempt to kill or maim someone who only has the intent to steal. I most certainly will try to talk them out of it, and use the gun as leverage in that situation until elevated. But as I understand now, a ccl is a license to lose an argument and save a life.I ran a few analogies by him, the seat-belt one for instance. Where its not necessarily needed all the time (a gun or a seat-belt) but when that fateful time comes, and Im really in need of having it. I better have it on me.Basically we had a debate on whether or not * I SPECIFICALLY* needed to carry a gun. He is not going to stop me, not because I wont let him but becasue this time hes letting me make the decision without degrading me verbally over it (something he tends to unknowingly do I feel). I feel this is something I need to do, again, because I would prefer to be trained and knowledgeable about a useless ability. Than to not be trained and have no knowledge about a useful ability.Our debate sort of strung on between a few different conversations, and it ended with my dad saying this: "I dont know where we raised you wrong, for you to think you need to carry a gun with you". Him saying this has somewhat upset me, Im happy with my bringing up situation. Never felt threatened. As far as im aware there was only ever a single robbery in my small neighborhood, noone was even seen during it. noone was harmed, noone was home. I absolutely never felt threatened, and I dont plan to feel threatened during my normal day to day tasks in the future. Were not rich, were not well off. My parents have enough money to support their own hobbies, and the two of us children happily.Lastly, one thing I didnt offer to my dad was this: I want to not just obtain a ccl. I'd like to in 2018 become certified in a hand to hand combat course. Aswell as some sort of medical training, and perhaps small weapons training. i.e Knives. Im a cook by trade, I love what I do. I dont need to know how to attack someone with weapons, but I feel its a valuable skill. I definitely could use medical training thought, that shits invaluable. Am I wrong to feel this way, if I was brought up to not feel the need to be protected? I dont have any reason at the moment to feel I NEED a weapon with me other than the chance of something happening.One last thing, my mother and father made a deal when they meet and got married b4 we were born (becasue my mom isn't very knowledgeable on weapons, and scared of firearms) that my dad would never keep ammunition in the house. Recently I think my moms view is slightly so changing as she talked to an officer at her work one day who mentioned owning and having alot of loaded guns in his home. That put her slightly at ease I think, anyways...Their deal was there would be no ammo in the home. I dont plan to follow that deal, I do plan to talk with my mom 1 on 1 about this topic. And see if I can get her to start carrying pepper-spray or some sort of defense capability. When I start carrying full time, I have 2 safes. One is for ammo along with a bit of other stuff not gun related. The other safe is a single hand gun only, gun safe. Which I carry my loaded pistol. and a spare magazine when Im not carrying.Sorry for the rant everyone. I needed to share these opinions and Im hoping for a bit of a response on whats going on in my home.I dont want to disrespect my parents. They will let me cc in the house if it means I feel safer. Maybe they will too eventually?Any argument details you can give me to help sway my dads thoughts? Thanks All!Edit: I still live at home, im 21. I'd like to move out by 23 too texas. via /r/CCW

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