Tuesday, January 23, 2018

91 Days Later--Where's my D.C. CCW Approval?

91 Days ago I submitted my Concealed Carry Pistol License Application to the District Metropolitan Police Department.. I still haven't received my paperwork in the mail, even though its a 90 day maximum approval time. Here's what I went through on the phone today to find out what was going on. Lets start with the law regarding the matter.District Code § 2340.1 The Chief shall issue a license to carry a concealed pistol or provide a written denial of the application within a reasonable time after receiving a completed application. A reasonable period of time shall normally be within ninety (90) days; however, the time may be extended by the Chief for an additional ninety (90) days where there is good cause for additional time to complete the investigation and the applicant is so notified in writing.Checking the mail this afternoon, I realized that it had now been over 90 days since I had submitted my CCW application. I decided that pursuant to the advice of /u/tmbs I decided to give them a call and see what was up.First Call: The lady looks me up, says she needs to transfer me from the Department of Firearm Registration and Licensing to "the department that deals with conceal and carry permits." I hear a transfer noise, then the phone hangs up.Second Call: A man picks up, asks me to hold. I hold for 31 minutes until the original lady picks up. I explain who I am again. She pulls up my file again and tells me I need "to wait for it to process. It is a 90 day minimum." I explain that they are legally obligated to provide either the permit approval, written notice of denial, or written notice of an extended investigation with good cause within 90 days. She says I need to hold. I hold for another hour. at 1:35:23 I hear the phone pick up and hang up.Third Call: The man picks up again. I explain who I am. He says he doesn't know who I spoke to last, even though there are six employees in one room at this department. He forgets to mute the phone as he tells the lady that he can't even find me in the system. I get his name in case we get "disconnected." This man is not an office worker, but a MPD Officer. He finally finds my electronic file when I spell my name for the third time and tell him exactly what day I came in to submit my paperwork. He lets me know that back in October they had over 200 applicants and that it was difficult to find my name. I forgive him and we move on. He lets me know that my application might take another 3 weeks at least to process because of the high volume. I repeat the legal code regarding the matter. He politely tells me that he will not get himself in trouble by issuing me a permit today. I explain that that is fine and that I would like to speak to a supervisor about the matter. He transfers me.Finally, a Lieutenant gets on the phone and asks my name again. He too cannot find my file on the computer, so he goes to "pull the hard copy." Once he returns fifteen minutes later, he opens it, says "looks like you have the training, no criminal history, and all the proper paperwork. You're good to go!" -- I just want everyone to take note, this is how long it actually took for someone to process my paperwork. I gave them 91 days and the officer took 25 seconds of reading my paperwork.-- "I apologize for the wait today and the delays on your permit, sir. Now, I realize that you ought to get this today, but I have to send this upstairs for signatures. It should be done with that tomorrow or the day after and mailed out." I let him know that this is an acceptable remedy to the situation. He tells me that if it does not show up soon, I should call back and ask to speak to him directly. Otherwise, it should be handled.Overall, It was very frustrating to go through all of that. I was lucky I had busy work around the apartment to do. It did not surprise me at all how disorganized they were, nor did it surprise me how long it actually took to process my permit vs. how long the LT really took. I also got further with honey than vinegar this time by working with people and calmly explaining the law. I even got an apology for their mistake!TL;DR Permit was a day late. I called and after being hung up on multiple times and an hour and a half on hold I spoke to a Lieutenant who processed my paperwork on the phone with me and is sending it out tomorrow after it gets the required signatures. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2BpBCyC

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