Saturday, November 4, 2017

Help against disgruntled teenager

Okay, to start things off, I'm 15, and I'm currently in grade 10 (Canada). I'm not a good fighter at all, and I'm pretty sensitive when it comes to that stuff.

Basically, it was late September, and I and my brother wanted to go to the park one last time before the weather started to cool down. Turns out, that was a bad idea because soon after we arrived this small kid starts to punch me and kick me out of nowhere. I've seen him before, and he never really acted hostile to me, at least physically. I ask the kid what he's doing and I'm greeted by another kid, about a year younger than me, threatening to "beat me up" because I apparently "made fun of the kid's mother". I had no idea what he was talking about, so silly me decided to play it off and treat it as a joke, because, why would anyone get offended over a mom joke not even directed at them? Nobody, right? Anyway, time passes, and the kid comes back, threatening to beat me up. I quickly realized he was not joking- his whole group of friends were angry at me (for something I never did in the first place) and some of them were trying to hold him back. They went to the little kid's backyard, which was right there off a field. I said, "fuck this, I'm going home, telling my parents about this shit, lemme call it a night". My brother wasn't budging to leave, so I left him behind. Also a mistake. I hear "He's getting away!" and the angry teenager hopped the fence and rushed at me like a fucking bull. I ran away as fast as I could, got my phone out and dialed my father about the whole situation. During that, the kid punched my brother in the head, and he shortly caught up to me. We were both scared, to be honest, and my dad got very angry and drove to the park, only taking my brother with him. The kid explained apparently, that, he was threatening me because "I called his brother's friend's mom a 'whore'" (Pretty fucking stupid reason to threaten me). My dad made him apologize to my brother. I was still a little shaken up. But that was it, right?

Lol, no. The next day I went to take a piss and one of the kids present at the park was there washing his hands, whispering about me to his other friends and then walking out. Didn't see the initial teen himself, so I brushed it off. The day after that, however, one of my friends told me that there was a kid who said he wanted to beat me up. I thought it was a joke- but then it hit me- Could it have been that one kid from the park? I asked for the description and it matched and everything. I went into full security mode, telling all my friends about it, wearing a hood everywhere I walked and trying to keep a low profile in case I come into contact with the kid. I also knew this was no joke, I saw him as I was exiting school for the day, so it wasn't a joke at all. I pass him and his friends in the hallways sometimes and they still give me dirty looks. I am too paranoid to go to the washroom or go buy stuff accross the street at lunch since that incident in fear of getting confronted by these guys.

I still can't help but feel like they're gonna try and beat me up one day. Any tips for when they confront me? I'm not a very good fighter. And yeah, say what you want, about being scared of younger kids, but not everyone is brave enough for a situation like this. Besides, I probably shouldn't be worrying about this too, but better safe then sorry, right?

TL;DR: Freshman is angered over a mom joke that I never said (not directed at him, regardless), threatens to beat me up and gives me dirty looks on a daily basis.

Also, I know that story is a little bit weird and unbelievable, but trust me, I would NOT go up to random kids and insult their moms out of nowhere. I'm not that much of a lowlife, and when I do fuck around with people, I definitely would NOT resort to doing that. This kid is probably just looking for a fight since he thinks he's so cool. But believe what you will...

Submitted November 04, 2017 at 06:05PM by toxxicityy

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