Thursday, August 10, 2017

[Scenario] Awkward story of a newbie

So I've had my permit a little over a week now, but being a college student between semesters I don't go out every single day (I also work at my university, so no carrying there). So I go to get some dinner tonight and right when I walk up to the counter to place my order the cashier instantly cocks his head to his right (looking at my left, I'm left handed) and starts looking at the left side of my torso.I'm kinda worried at this point, I try and adjust my posture to get some better concealment in case I'm printing, but this guy is just fixated on that part of my body.Finally after a few nerve wracking seconds of awkwardness the guy says to me "Dude, sweet Amon Amarth shirt!" After that we just talked about heavy metal for a bit and the rest of my evening was uneventfulTL;DR: New to carrying, still getting over the awkwardness/mild anxiety, thought someone saw me printing and was gonna call the cops or something, turns out he recognizes the band on my shirt and we talk about heavy metal. via /r/CCW

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