Sunday, August 27, 2017

As I age, my "spare tire" is almost impossible to mitigate anymore. Carry a Shield, have a few holsters, can't find something I'm happy with. Help?

So I'm probably 20 pounds overweight, but even when I've lost it, I still have the thicker midsection. Part of this is genetics, even when I've been down on weight, the gut remains (note I'm 5'10"). I've tried so many options, I can't get comfy and conceal well. AIWB won't work for me, and I can try 4 o'clock, but then there's me being active, constantly bending over to deal with my young kids when we're out and about, etc. I also have pretty low hips, so riding my pants higher doesn't work as is often recommended.I've seen claws, pads, etc. mentioned. Is there a "kit" I can try that just glues a variety of shapes to my holster to see what works?Firearms are a small S&W 640 pro, and a Shield compact. Thanks in advance. If needed I can provide a pic or two when I have a chance.Thanks. via /r/CCW

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