Monday, August 28, 2017

Footwork VS sprinting and Utilizing Straight charging Footwork VS positioning into blind angles

Found this post.

With that said, I recommend everything he wrote from my days living in the ghetto and being member of a local neighborhood gang. Indeed a common response in the altercations I've been in was rather than using footwork to move on the offensive, the actual common thing was to quickly sprint and knock the person down ASAP before they were pumped up.

In addition a lot of the "footwork" that was being used in local gang brawls that I participated in was more often than not placing yourself in a blind angle and striking the person from there. Rather than going in with slippery Muhammad Ali style footwork and directly hitting the person.

Hell the quote the OP makes towards MacYoung which I will post below for purposes of this thread:

He looked at me and said "Are you ready?" Lesson number one...if, in a physical confrontation, an old fat man ever asks you if you are ready, you are going to learn a very unpleasant lesson. All of a sudden I saw a look come over him like a hood being drawn over his eyes. "It" had surfaced. In the blink of an eye, that fat old man was gone, replaced by something that was way, way out of my league.

He blurred.

I am not exaggerating when I say this old, bald headed fart turned into a cartoon streak to indicate speed. He moved so fast that I couldn't see what he was doing. Now with many more years of training and experience, I could probably see it; but at the time, he was there one second and gone the next. In that second, I felt myself being jerked to the side and his knife simultaneously crashing into a kill zone. I knew it was over. If this had been real, I would have been dead and there was nothing I could have done about it.

That was pretty much how most every brawl ended-especially if the opponent was far less skilled-where suddenly a sprinting attack came out of nowhere towards a spot the opponent was blind such as his rear or from the right while he was focusing looking forward in a la tunnel vision. The sprinting attack towards a bind angle was enough to quickly knock down someone .

I am wondering why most commercialized modern martial arts-especially sports fighting-is so insistent on moving towards your opponent in a path where they can easily see you and your attacks and that is slower than simply sprinting in track in field style running with a simultaneous attacks? This is what we used in the streets and it was the most effective first attack to use especially if your opponent hasn't pumped himself up to complete commitment.

I mean almost every MMA match I seen involves movement directly going at your opponent. Why not quickly sprint towards your enemy from left of his face while he is rushing towards you with a roundhouse which makes him so exposed? While he's charging at you in an attempt to do a takedown on you, why not simply quickly dodge his mass and go at him from behind to submit him with your own takedown?

I mean all the attempts in modern martial arts and sports fighting to go directly at your enemy seems like a needless waste of energy. I mean with how wrestlers directly charge at each other headon, back in the streets they would have reacted by moving to the side and tripping a charging opponent.

Submitted August 29, 2017 at 12:22AM by STXSambodog

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