Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Another pulled over while carrying - TLDR; positive experience

I was driving to work and pulled over by my local agency (medium sized city). I was alarmed when it involved not one car, but two police cars. So when the first officer approached my window, I was a little bit nervous since I hadn't been speeding or otherwise.Normally my gun is concealed and I place my wallet in the cupholders specifically so I don't need to reach behind me to get to it in the event I get pulled over. This day was an exception. In this case I was in a hurry, so I left the wallet in my back pocket when I had gotten in my car earlier. I was also open carrying because I was heading to my part time job where open carrying is encouraged. I informed the officer that I was carrying a firearm - the Sergeant from the second vehicle approached my passenger window. She asked for my drivers license and carry permit. I let the first officer know my wallet was in my back pocket and asked her if she preferred me to exit the vehicle to remove my wallet. She told me that it wasn't necessary so I let her know that I was unbuckling my seatbelt to get to my back pocket and then did it slowly. After providing all of my information, she informed me that my license plate was not registered in their system. Turns out, I renewed my license plate online and for some reason DMV deleted the plates prior to mailing my new ones. I showed her the DMV receipt on my phone and a copy of my registration confirming my current plate was valid.So all things considered. Two cars pulling me over for a license plate that didn't even exist in their system - for them, it could have been a stolen vehicle running on fake plates etc. Here I am dressed in all black (work uniform), with an open firearm, and needing to reach around my back pocket to get my wallet. My particular city is not open carry friendly and you actually need a permit to open carry, which I do have. The entire time, the officer was alert but not jumpy, and very respectful. She informed me the issue with my plate, noting it was a DMV issue, thanked me for cooperating, and never batted an eye about the firearm. Very positive experience considering the circumstances. I did contact DMV and gave them and earful though. I also contacted the agency to compliment the interaction with the officer.TLDR; pulled over, open carrying. Officer was polite and composed. Always communicate what you're doing, ask for permission before reaching for anything, and be respectful. If you can, keep your wallet out of your pocket - it's uncomfortable to sit on and reaching across your gun isn't ideal for you or the officer involved. Lastly, if the officer does a good job please contact their agency and let them know. Those show up on their reviews! via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2wf8SZS

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