Thursday, August 10, 2017

In a Castle Doctrine state, if a college waives the subsection law regarding storage of a firearm in a vehicle, is a CCWL holder still able to store their firearm?

In Florida specifically, an exception to possessing or discharging weapons or firearms on school property is listed as "In a vehicle persuant to s. 790.25(5); except that school districts may adopt written and published policies that waive the exception for purposes of student and campus parking privileges."With Florida s. 790.06(12)(b) and Castle Doctrine regarding your vehicle as a personal conveyance, it seems like the only reasonable answer is that IF you have a conceal carry license you are able to store your carry weapon in your vehicle, but unlicensed people cannot store firearms in their vehicle regardless of state law because of the university waiving the exception.Some of this stuff is a little vague and contradictory, so I am wondering what exactly you are supposed to do if you are a licensed CCW user who plans to live on campus. Are you able to permanently store your firearm in a mounted safe in your vehicle, or for the period of time you plan to attend that school is your firearm and permit practically useless and I need to find a safety deposit box to rent for a few years? via /r/CCW

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