Thursday, August 10, 2017

My Wild thoughts on Modernizing the Vice-Presidente Drill based on modern stats.....agree or dis-agree but please explain the Why's?

Wanting to spur on some thoughts and cross pollinate thoughts after feedback if you will. "Modern Vice-Presidente" drill, for the statistically most likely bad case scenario, based on available data. Sorry if I don't know how to format here to make it nicer on the eyes.Most Pistol interactions are at 3 FEET, those outside 3 feet still most within 9 feet, 15 feet is getting a little extreme, 21 most train at because of 21 foot Tueller Rule, and 7 yards common at ranges (even if knife attack, your shots will likely be when they have started to charge, so 15 feet...12 feet if at Ready, closer if from concealment, so not at 21).FBI stats say multiple attackers increasing.Common sense says good to train as if there are 3. OG Cooper El Presidente established 3 targets long ago, and multiple attackers has statistically increased exponentially since then.Alt Look at handgun stopping power has 9mm, .40, and .45 requiring above 2 rounds per attacker to stop Average number of rounds until incapacitation-Above 2I used to think double taps all the way around, then re-assessing back to the first is the way to go but data make me think 3rds all around would only be slightly slower and more likely not to get hit in the back etc from re-engagers, and losing track of where still active threats are. My point is to set up target scenarios at different depths to each other, a no shoot in-between, and check it on timers.Statistically 3's all around prob does you better for the small amount of extra time it is. 3 by 3 by 3 going to be a lot less time esp IRL on moving targets, getting lost, losing track of where they are etc if you did 1 to 1 to 1 and then back through two more times. And your screwed if the first one was a miss and you went on to the 2nd ASP vid showed just that I believe it was a cop in store then got shot in the back. Statistically in all SERVICE Calibers (not .357's), perps need more than 2 shots to Stop their aggressive actions.If you are carrying what I am calling, At least 9 by least 9mm, at least 9 rounds in gun (which is what I suggest, and if you just love ur 5 shot .38 or G43, fine, but have another one or a .380 offside too), like a Shield w Plus 1 mag that may serve well if one or theoretically if up to 3 attackers (if all 9 were somehow hits and not 80% misses if #2 and #3 were determined and didn't bug out). Better, are all the double stack compacts that have 13 or more In Gun. Knowing that stop averages for service calibers is around 2.4 per bad guy, and that is assuming you make all hits..combined with all the incidents of perps taking 11-45 rounds to go down.....and knowing cops only hit 20% of time or 1.4 out of 8 shots according to new NYPD stats....this just makes sense based on stats. Honestly, I think three to closest or sometimes largest threat to a group (the one that just shot the clerk, the one with the most dangerous weapon or long gun etc.)...3 by 3 by 3 is the way to go ..............But, I still want data on if 2s all around is really better, and prob the standard people practice, or 3s all around if warranted obviously.. 20 years ago we all just trained double taps and everyone kept doing it, "I'd just double tap em and they'd go down" and Hollywood re-inforces this....except all the data says that is not true....maybe doing triple taps around if multiple threats is a better way to go. In the past people may have said, "everyone get's firsts before they get seconds" but I believe pistol efficiency was still over glorified by lore and television, this was with 5-8 shot revolvers/pistols, and even with a 5 shot and 3 perps I still think 2 by 2 by 1 would be the better way to go. I guess finding some data and doing math, adding a split between shots on is doable. Why do you only practice 2s around, and re-access, instead of 3s? Because that is what El Presidente drill established and people hate to change..... Valid question............maybe .2 more time before #2 gets lead? Isn't a 3rd shot on biggest threat you decided you must engage worth .2? For app. .6-.7 longer, all 3 perps get 3 rounds on target vs 2. That is a worthwhile discussion and something worth drilling both doubles and triples, as well as Fast Five on one etc. Wouldn't further thought be that Perp #1 get's three make a lot more sense, as your first two may likely be from close retention/hip and hits not ideal/stomach area or misses vs pushing out to a 3rd CM chest/upper torso shot on your biggest threat might definitely make some sense?So what I am suggesting is a Modern Vice-Presidente......... 13 Rounds in Pistol/12 live, 1 round, the 10th round, is a dummy round. There are now many compacts/sub-compacts and plus 2 mags available so many do indeed carry with 13 or more in gun nowadays. Obviously, this is for training purposes, and assumes you need to engage all and then re-engage. Obviously some may bug out, drop weapons, or stop being a threat sooner. But I don't think you should ever plan on that.....3 Targets, NOT ALL Square ON, and 1 No shoot somewhere in between. Targets at arm's length, 9 feet, and 15 feet.1st Target at Arm Extension http://Distance......Palm/Tiger Strike from FENCE and Draw, 2 from Close Retention/Hip, Push out and 1 to chest.Transition to 2nd Target at 9 Feet, Triple Tap to Center MassMOVE & Transition to Target 3 that is at 15 feet, Triple Tap to Center MassMOVE & Transition back to first target and attempt to re-engage if needed, 10th round is dummy round so Click, Tap, Rack, Bang, Bang, Bang Triple Tap Or Alt. Mozambique OR Alt. Bottom Pyramid Mozambique...2 to chest one to Pelvis. Practicing a Tap, Rack, Bang is a lot more important statistically then actually needing to reload. However, reloading is still a good skill to practice so it is then included after.Slide Lock/Empty-MOVE & Empty/Emergency Reload, Transition to Target #2 Triple Tap OR Alt. Mozambique OR Alt. Bottom Pyramid Mozambique...2 to chest one to PelvisMove & Transition to Target #3 Triple Tap OR Alt. Mozambique Or Alt. Bottom Pyramid Mozambique...2 to chest one to Pelvis.If you like the idea, why? If you hate it, why? Offer good reasons, not just because not liking change. Is anyone willing to run it and post all shot times/splits/transitions?Anyway, I hope it provides some good thinking material. via /r/CCW

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