Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Hispanic SO Wants to Carry in Light of Recent Events

I really hope this doesn't turn into a political shouting match, but I'm genuinely conflicted so here we go.My girlfriend and I were watching news coverage of the recent Charlottesville attack and she told me she wanted to get her CCL. She is a visibly Hispanic (legal) immigrant with a Spanish name, speaks with a slight accent, and worries that this might make her a target for somebody's aggression in today's political climate.I've been carrying for the last 2 years and I am all for someone that I care about taking on that responsibility too. But I have a reservation in that I worry about her approaching concealed-carry from a place of fear. She is mature, and generally calm, but I've also witnessed her facing genuine bigotry and the response was anything but calm and de-escalating. Luckily, the racist backed-down/left on both occasions, and that was the end of things.She has no problem with guns, but doesn't consider shooting fun. Taking her to the range was like teaching her how to saw a log. She knows I carry every day, and has always relied on that. But with today's political climate surrounding immigration, and violent racists seeming to be emboldened by recent events, she wants to be safe even if I am not with her. I just worry about her feeling like she has to carry a gun because of Nazis not liking her skin tone. When I chose to carry, it was a choice, and I always thought that's how it should be. But I'm white and have never had to worry about someone taking issue with my right to live here. Are my concerns misplaced? Those of you who have responded to specific or general threats by carrying, how did you go about it?Again, I don't want to this to sound like an attack on anyone's politics. Unless you're a Nazi. In that case, go fuck yourself. To everyone else, thanks in advance for your input. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2fJz6Os

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