Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Parking Lot Risk Avoidance

Parking lots and garages are dangerous because anyone with the desire to mug a driver has the tactical advantage of many places to sit and wait for an easy, clueless mark to cross their path.The best defenses? Risk avoidance choices and not projecting the appearance of being a easy, self-absorbed, clueless mark when exiting and returning to your car.Parking lot robberies increase during the Christmas shopping season when lots are full and people return to there cars loaded down with loot. Minimize of getting mugged or in a road rage incident over a parking spot the by shopping early and not shopping alone so you go to the car empty handed and then pick-up the passenger and packages by the door. Or just shop on-line.Avoid parking in unattended public parking garages, especially at night, because they give a miscreant more places to hide, offer fewer opportunities to escape if attacked and there is less chance of someone witnessing vs. parking on the street.If parking in a garage I use the stairs rather than risk getting confronted in or coming out of an elevator where there is no visibility or avenue for escape. I'll pause before entering stairwell and listen and on floor where I parked check through window in the door, push door open with foot and then look through crack at hinges for anyone hiding behind door.Cruise the lot before parking to look for people loitering nearby or sitting in cars. This is a prudent move when traveling and stopping for food and gas. More than once I've cruised around a fast food place and noped-out after seeing local hooligans / panhandlers / homeless who I knew would likely hassle me.Get in the habit of always stopping for gas when tank is 1/2 full so there is the option to nope out of any sketchy location and drive down the road to the next more populated exit. When stopping for gas take the keys out of ignition, put them in your pocket and lock the doors to prevent car or contents from being stolen. A tactic used is for someone to distract you while their partner steals from the unlocked car.When parking pull-through or back into spaces for better situational awareness and easier escape if necessary. Check 360° before getting out of car.When returning to car stop for a moment before entering lot and scan the lot for any movement, lack of it, which is suspicious— e.g., people loitering, car cruising lot without parking. It is much easier to see deviations in the "normal" pattern of activity when standing stationary and giving the task your full attention.Don't make a bee-line back your vehicle. Walk down the next aisle then make a 90° turn to get to your vehicle. That will make the ill-intentions of anyone following obvious and easier to avoid and offer a better chance of spotting and avoiding someone hiding or hanging out to panhandle.While walking to shop or back to car take note of anyone who seems to pay attention to your movements. Most people will be self-absorbed and not pay much attention to others. Some who tracks your movement may be a criminal looking for a soft distracted target.If spotting someone I suspect might be a potential threat on the street or in a parking lot — or is self-absorbed in phone and likely to collide with me — I'll greet them and try to make eye contact at a safe distance of 30' making some comment about the weather or finding something about them to complement one, like "nice hat, shirt, shoes, car, ..." That gives me a tactical advantage of seeing how they react to my friendly greeting allows me to gauge their mood and intent.In newer cars keyless entry might be more convenient but car key fobs have "panic buttons" which can be used to attract attention and usually cause a criminal threat to decide to wait and find an easier mark. A key in hand can also be used as a stabbing weapon—My Mazda's "switch blade" key seems to have been designed with that in mind.Avoid reflexively double-clicking and opening all the doors unless necessary and re-lock the doors ASAP. One is most at risk when needing to load a lot of stuff in a vehicle. When possible take it to the car in a shopping cart to keep the hands free. If someone suspicious follows or approaches don't go directly to your car. Go past it and then double back to avoid the potential threat. The shopping cart can be used to block.Women: don't leave the purse in the shopping cart when unloading. There is greater chance of it being grabbed and it might get left behind — my wife spaced out left her purse at Target parking lot once but thankfully someone honest turned it in to the store. Solution? Carry a purse with a shoulder strap when shopping so it can be kept on your person across body, keeping both hand free.There is safety in numbers. Muggers don't like witnesses so if the parking lot is empty wait for others to leave with you rather than wandering out in the lot alone. If there is someone in the lot who causes concern hang back, observe and notify store management because even if they don't bother your fine pistol packing self they might hassle / harm someone more vunerable. via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2i3U0bN

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