Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Crazy and aggressive driver followed me

On my way home from work tonight (7pm) I was going 40 in a 35 and an old trailblazer ss came right up on my ass out of nowhere. At the next stop, I was turning left, they were seeming to go right. Well, they sat there for a minute blocking my view while I waited for them to make a move, and they finally spun tires, illegally turned left, and flew off way over the speed limit (25+). I proceeded onward and ended up behind them at the light. I noticed the license plate is blacked out. Down the road a bit, they pull in to a turning lane to yell something at me (very, very trashy looking woman), I kept on going and she got right behind me and continued to follow me. At this point I realize I have to do something, this person is acting like a maniac and honed in to me, so I get siri to give me directions to nearest police station. This involved making a quick lane change when the light was green, which lost the aggressor in traffic. I just took an alternate route home and I was planning to call 911 if followed any further.I just wanted to share this, as I feel I was able to handle the situation easily, safely and responsibly thanks to my time spent in this subreddit. I was very close to home, and made sure not to lead them there, I did not escalate the situation, and did what I could to avoid having to draw by heading toward a police station. I know you guys will tell me I should have called the cops, and well, I didnt, but would have if it escalated any further. I have encountered this type in my pre carry days; trashy, unpredictable, probably on drugs, looking for any excuse for aggression. They come out of nowhere unprovoked and when you least expect it.Big thanks to this subreddit, without what I have learned here, I could have led this person back to my home, which would create a plethora of trouble that was easily avoided by knowing what to do in the moment. via /r/CCW

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