Monday, July 31, 2017

Improperly posted 50% sign? (TX)

So I was on vacation in Corpus Christi, drove so I had my carry weapon with me. We visited the USS Lexington, they had a 30.07 sign posted (no open carry) but surprisingly no restriction on concealed carry, which was pretty cool. We also went to the Texas State Aquarium. As we walked up to the ticket counter, there was a sign posted before the walkway up to the building, it was a 51% sign, indicating that they generated more than 51% of their revenue from the sale & on premises consumption of alcohol & that carrying a weapon licensed or not was illegal...I was baffled...I mean this was an aquarium with tons of kids and families...they had a Starbucks inside as well as a little café... No alcohol I could see at all. No way that sign was accurate. Definitely an improperly placed sign. I have a feeling they meant to post the 30.06 (no ccw) and 30.07 (non open carry) combo, but whatever intern just saw this one say that carrying weapons licensed or not was not allowed...By law, I can ignore improper signage, but it still bothers me since my wife was having a fit and its just confusing to try and follow the law. Though I have heard that some businesses post these improper signs to actually allow carrying but convince snowflakes that they're "safe" since odds are they won't understand an improper sign doesn't have the force of law. In this case, you wouldn't want to report them because then they'd probably have to post proper signage to appease anti-gun folks.So what do you do when you find an improperly posted sign? Ignore it, report it, or follow it?Edit: it was a 51% sign, my bad! via /r/CCW

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