National CCW Reciprocity was a campaign foundation for many representatives currently sitting in Washington DC. So far, little has been actually done to get this pro-gun bill passed. H.R. 38 has gained some momentum, but not nearly enough.PLEASE CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES IN SUPPORT OF NATIONAL RECIPROCITY.It's also a good idea to mention support of the SHARE Act which includes the Hearing Protection Act and other things.Now is the time to restore our gun rights. Don't let our representatives get away with using pro-gun rights as a campaign promise, but only offer talk when they get into office.It's best to call them on the phone. It takes about one minute per phone cal and can help make a difference.Find your representatives' contact info: http://ift.tt/2webdBH to auto contact them: http://ift.tt/2vmaWA5 via /r/CCW http://ift.tt/2wetS0i
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