Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Pulled the gun this morning while half asleep.

Was waking up earlier this morning than usual so was sleeping a little rough waking up every so often, sleeping light. I was tired and exhausted. I heard some noise that sounded like water nearby and it alarmed me.I started to go for my gun, kept in my night stand in a holster, just in case. Then a figure walks from the entrance of my room (door is shut, although the bathroom door is right there also) the time in between my grabbing my gun and the figure walking by was only a split second, all in one fluid motion I grabbed the pistol, removed it from the holster and pointed it at the figure.It didn't take long for my wife to realize what I was doing and she hit the deck and told me it was just her. After I confirmed with her that I realized it was her and that everything was okay, she started balling. She was very scared, and reasonably so. I consoled her and put her into bed and comforted her, neither of us were really able to go back to sleep.She hasn't been super comfortable with guns, as she was never around them until we got married a year ago. I've been teaching her and trying to make her comfortable around them but I may have damaged all that hard work with this accident.I'm grateful she realized, and I'm sad to say in my exhausted haze I didn't think to check if she was in bed next to me before engaging the threat. I could have shot her, and very likely would have if she didn't realize what was happening.Im thinking it is best to move my pistol a little further from me, so I can't access it without getting out of bed. This event shows how easy it is to be half asleep and let my muscle memory do all the work. My brain wasn't working and it almost ended badly.Any advice on moving forward with this? She seems fine, but there is no doubt we aren't both shaken up. via /r/CCW

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