Friday, December 2, 2016

I'm lucky, but you may not learn from my mistake

I love reading the stories on here, and wanted to share one of my own. I was lucky to get away safely, but it could have been worse, and it could have been partially avoided if I was carrying that night...My wife and I did a double date with our friends to attend a concert in Florida. I wasn't sure if I was going to drink that night or not, so I didn't bring my sidearm. When we were leaving the concert at midnight, traffic was horrible...basically bumper to bumper getting onto the highway. I got into the on-ramp lane and was approaching the on-ramp when a guy in a sedan swerved 3 lanes over in front of me, almost hitting me. I did as any driver would and honked my horn at him while slamming on my brakes. He didn't take to kindly to this, and waited until we got here on the ramp and turned his car to block me in. With vehicles lined up behind me, going into reverse was not an option.He got out of his car drunkenly yelling at us saying "I'm going to kill you" along with some colorful language. All of us were frozen, really not sure how to take this...He then started walking towards my car while continuing to yell. I asked everyone in the car, "What should I do? What should I do?" No one was answering...everyone was kinda in shock. Right as he got near by front bumper to approach my window, I sped off. I used my SUV to ram into his car, push it out of the way, and then drove forward a bit and paused to quickly collect myself and figure out what to do. My friends in the back said "We'll call 911, you just keep driving to get away from him." I got onto the highway, and the crazy guy took chase...ramming the rear of my car, trying to pit maneuver me. This went on for a few miles until the police showed up and stopped him. He tried telling them it was a hit and run, and that I hit his vehicle....but the police spoke to us and obviously believed the 4 of us (2 of which were active duty military ) and not the drunk guy who already had a record of violent activity, had an expired driver's license, etc...I did the best thing in the sense that no one had to die...but in hindsight we were lucky. He could have had a gun...he could have rammed us off the road and seriously injured us...the list goes on really.Since then, I've always ensured someone in the group would stay sober and be the "Designated driver" and concealed carry holder. via /r/CCW

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