Sunday, December 4, 2016

Had to draw tonight

This evening I drove through a swarm of bugs so thick that they sounded like rain hitting my windshield. Naturally, I popped into a robo-wash to get all the guts off the car before they had a chance to harden into an exoskeleton overnight.This particular carwash is located adjacent to a convenience store, with the driveway to enter the wash wrapping around the back of the store. At the outset of this scenario I was car #3 out of 3, after the one in the wash (car #1) and another car waiting (car #2).As I waited, I noticed a scruffy guy in baggy clothes and flip flops enter the alley and stand in car #2's passenger-side blind spot, about 10 feet diagonally back and away from the car. Pretty weird. He lit of a cigarette and proceeded to stand there, looking back and forth between the car wash and the alley.This is where the spidey senses started alarming. He clearly doesn't work at the gas station, there's nothing of interest for a normal person to hang out back there and look at...what's he looking for? An easy mark? Does he have a buddy waiting in between the fence and the car wash? Is he just looking for a hand-out and being extremely awkward about it? In any event, he's probably up to no good.I then realized that you need to roll down your window to punch in a code at this car wash, and it seemed like he may have been trying to time that action for an opportunity.This is the point where I thought to myself, you know, there are other carwashes. I should go. However, I didn't listen to this impulse. LISTEN TO YOUR HEART, PEOPLES!At this point, car #1 had finished its wash and exited. Car #2 punched in their code and entered the wash, leaving me as the next in line for the wash with nobody behind me.At this point, Mr. Creepy was still lurking in the same spot...and therefore in my blind spot. This was simply unacceptable, so I angled my rear view mirror so I could at least see his torso.After a minute or so, he made a move to my driver's side blind spot, which I was able to see due to the positioning of my mirrors.This is the point where I drew (4 o'clock IWB), but kept the gun in between my leg and the center console.As soon as I drew, he speed walked out of there. I'm assuming he saw the motion and realized he wanted to live more than he wanted my money or possessions.I proceeded to use the car wash, and when I emerged into the main parking lot, the guy was nowhere to be seen. I walked into the gas station and gave the attendant a description and told them there was a creep hanging around their car wash.Takeaway:1) Pay attention! There's usually a reason somebody seems out of place. In this case, this guy was WAY out of place and basically impossible to miss. Not sure what he was planning, but I'm glad I didn't find out!2) Listen to your guts! My instincts said get out of there before I even entered a position where he could try something. I didn't. This is my mistake and I will work to not repeat it in the future!3) What the fuck is wrong with people? via /r/CCW

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