Monday, December 26, 2016

Getting pulled over seems to be the new META.

Well I guess I get to join the pulled over while carrying club.We were on our way to Christmas at my father's. It was just before 1:00 here in Kansas and while windy the pavement was dry so I was heading along at 60 in a 55 in the slow lane, state law requires you to stay right unless passing. I saw one of our State Troopers in the center median and didn't think much of it until i saw his brake lights come on as he shifted into gear.Looked over at my wife and kinda chuckled "Well I'm about to get pulled over."She promptly rolled her eyes at me and replied with "You had better not get pulled over in my car."Kept my speed at the same and maintained my lane as he kept just off my rear quarter panel before merging over behind me and turning the lights on.Wife was not impressed. Got hit with "How do you always get pulled over in my car?"Shrugged as I turned on the blinker and merged over to the shoulder. Put the car in park, killed the engine, quickly pulled my wallet into my hands and put my hands out of the window while my wife pulled up our insurance info on her phone.Trooper gets to the window, and lets me know he pulled me over due to my speed.I said "That's no problem sir but I need to let you know I do have a concealed firearm on my person."He looks at me and replies, "Well let's make a deal you don't go for yours and I won't go for mine sound fair?"Grinned and agreed and handed over my license and he asked what I was carrying.I told him a CZ p07 in .40 and he asked me how I liked itI told him I loved it that it handled and carries well.He then thanked me for telling him as I handed him my wife's phone so he could see our insurance info.He did ask me for my permit.I told him I did not have one yet.He replied "That's no issue he was more concerned that people just think they are prepared to carry without any info."I told him that I had taken the class just hadn't sent for my permit yet but I do plan on getting one.He then excused himself to run my license in his car as I sat with my hands out the window getting teased by my wife for always getting pulled over in her car.A few minutes later he returned and handed me a written warning and told me to slow down. We continued on our way and my kids promptly got to tell Grandpa how Dad was speeding and got pulled over. 12/10 great experience with our state troopers. via /r/CCW

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