Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Can't Find California Self Defense Laws

So, we've been considering moving to California, and so I've started looking over the legal code to make sure i know what's what. only problem is... I've been looking all over the California penal code and can't find anything more than extremely vague references self defense. I know "use no more force than necessary to stop the crime" is the standard, but I would be much more comfortable seeing the actual law.

Couple of things I'm looking for specifically:
Use of lethal force.
Stand your ground law.
Use of force in defense of property.

There are plenty of articles Google knows about that talk about these things, but they conflict each other. And again, I would prefer to be reading the actual law.

Anyway, just found this sub and you guys seem pretty cool. Thanks for the help. I really just need to be pointed in the right direction and then I should be able to find the rest of it.

Submitted December 06, 2016 at 02:53PM by Eragar http://ift.tt/2g7Hw1v

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