Monday, July 10, 2023

/r/CCW Changes for July 2023

Hope everyone had a good 4th. I personally drank my weight in whiskey mules and had some incredible steak on the grill. I think its time we got the community caught up on some changes that happened recently.Moderation Team ChangesFarewell to Chew, he will be sorely missed. Especially his automod coding skills.With that goodbye we can pivot and say a big hello to our two new moderators!!!Welcome, u/TooToughTimmy and u/ValleyBoulderingThey're taking a few days to learn the ropes of moderation, and how we do things here specifically, but they will soon be taking a share of the mod work.Next up are some bigger changes: RulesI did a lot of thinking about how reddit has grown and changed over the years and in particular how this community grows and changes. It seemed to me that the time was right for some changes to our rules and more to the point, some streamlining and simplification.Rule 8 and 9 are gone.Originally, we implemented them to fight low-effort posts but over the last few years they have seemed counter productive.Rule 8: No more requirement to leave a top level comment on your posts. I think this became redundant, since so many posts have their own descriptions, or even ask a question right in the title. It started to feel like a punishment for people who were new to reddit or new to our community and simply had not noticed the rule.Rule 9: People will now be allowed to post pictures of firearms without a picture of their holster. People were posting real questions or sincerely asking for advice but their post was taken down because they happened to toss a picture of a gun in there. I also noticed it was detrimental to some fairly high-effort content. People would occasionally post a very well framed and lit photo of their EDC or home defense setup, edited to include labels, and would be engaged in the comments or giving/receiving advice, etc. but the picture not including a holster would have to be removed per this rule. Not helpful.So go ahead post a picture of your G19 lying in the factory case without comment. But don't be surprised if it gets downvoted or ignored.The ban on mentioning Kore Essentials products is liftedYes, they engaged in a shamefully aggressive marketing/spam campaign on this subreddit. We started telling the spammers to report up the chain of command that what they were doing was not ok. We even reached out to Kore directly. No dice. We got ignored or blown off. So we did the only thing we could do. That should be fairly well known by now. But there's an Act II to this play I don't think was ever disclosed to the community, and I'm going to give you that story now in the interest of transparency.Years after we implemented this ban, some higher-up from Kore slid into our mod mail to ask us to lift this ban. He refused to apologize or acknowledge they had done anything wrong, and generally didn't comport himself in a polite or classy manner. His attitude was essentially 'you should get over it'. That obviously wasn't how you go about winning our hearts and minds and so the rule remained for several more years.Until now.I'm tired of the constant DM's from people that have poor reading comprehension skills asking us what happened, or the people with REALLY poor reading comprehension skills who are just bitching at us for not allowing mention of their favorite belt.But more importantly; by all accounts and testimonies I've come across, they do make a quality product. So ultimately I think it's more important for people to be able to come here and learn about quality CCW gear options than for us to continue holding the grudge.So we are gonna just move on from that chapter in r/CCW history.Rule 5 has been adjusted. And I need everyone's feedback.Those of you who understand some basic stuff about online security know that link shorteners can be used to hide malicious links and launch attacks on unsuspecting people. However in recent years many websites have implemented share buttons that make use of their own registered domain link shortener. My understanding is that these should be pretty harmless and can be viewed as the equivalent of a direct link to that site. Things like '' or ''. I've clarified rule 5 to allow these things but to continue generally disallowing the use of any other type of link shortener. IT people let me know what you think. The safety of this community is definitely important and I'll change it right back if you think it should be.All other rules are still in effect. Keep it classy in the comments and keep it all on topic. Be kind to each other. We have enough to deal with from the people who hate our lifestyle as it is, so who has the time or energy left over for infighting and bickering.If you made it this far, make a $5 donation to the gun rights organization of your choice. Make that lawsuit printer go brrrrrrrrAnyways. Stay safe out there everyone. In the immortal words of the general, strategist, and philosoper Sun Tzu:Stay strapped or get clapped​ via /r/CCW

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