Monday, July 17, 2023

Holding Someone at Gunpoint?

So let me elaborate. I just saw a video on Instagram that sparked a thought.So the scenario is: You catch someone trying to do you harm/wrong (steal your car, break into your house, rob you, etc.) and you pull your firearm on them (but do NOT fire) and… A) they freeze at the thought of being shot. or…B) you COMMAND them to freeze, get on the ground, or basically anything that means stay PUT while you call the police and wait for them to arrive. Now in scenario A or B if you were originally the victim, but you took control of the scenario and are now holding the thief/attacker/etc. at gunpoint, are you lawfully in the right? Or are you in the wrong? And whether you’re right or wrong, what’s your next move as far as the police so as not to be assumed the bad guy and held at gunpoint or shot at yourself? Do you lay your gun down and put your hands up as soon as you see police cars? I’m wondering if you’re lawfully justified in either scenario and whether you are or aren’t, if you wind UP in the scenario, how do you behave after police are called/en route? via /r/CCW

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